Add a Menu Item

Available on
Faculty Sites

Faculty sites: Menus are available on Advanced and Full-Scale faculty sites. If you would like a menu, upgrade your faculty site from Simple.

Edit the menu

  1. Click the “Edit Menus” button in the user toolbar in the upper right of the page.
  2. Choose the menu you wish to edit. (Menu descriptions)

 edit menus in red box

Add a link

Click the Add link button located above the list of links.

Add link button in red box

Add the menu item information

Every menu item needs a title and link.

Confirm the "Show this link in the menu is checked."

There are three main ways to add a link:

  1. Use the autocomplete to link to an existing page. Just begin typing the name of the page. This is the best way to link to a page on your site..
  2. Type the internal path for an existing view. Begin typing the URL after the root domain (.edu). Example: /people/alumni
  3. Link to an external website by pasting the full URL including https://

Example of using autocomplete.

how autocomplete appears

how an internal path appears

 Example using an internal path. example using an internal path

Example of using a full external link.

example using a full external link


Don't forget to click save.

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