Homepage Builder for Faculty Sites

Available on
Faculty Sites

Faculty Full Scale website have access to a Homepage Builder for those who wish to replace the profile homepage with a more conventional homepage.

Faculty sites: Homepage Builder is available on Full-Scale faculty sites. If you would like a custom homepage, upgrade your faculty site. 

Are you looking for the Sites+ Homepage Editor?

Choose a new homepage template

From your current homepage, click the Manage Homepage tab

Manage Homepage Tab 

The Homepage Builder has three starter templates. Each template begins with a different design, but all templates can be fully customized with any of the available iastate22 blocks.

homepage of faculty site

Click the edit button with the template you’d like to start with. It will not be set as your homepage until you click Set as Homepage.

Note: The images for the templates are examples and will not update when edits are made.

Edit homepage content

The Homepage Builder allows you to add, remove, edit, and rearrange blocks. Each block type has a different design and purpose as described in the iastate22 Style Guide.

Edit the Hero

iastate22 homepages should include a Hero at the top. The title of the Hero should be the name of your website.

hero atmospheric image 

The buttons are optional. They should be used to direct users to your most important pages.

Choose from three Hero designs.

  1. Supporting Image - upload a square image at 650x650px and choose “1:1 (650x650)” in the dropdown.
  2. Atmospheric Image - upload a large picture at 1600x900px and choose “16:9 (1600x900)” in the dropdown.
  3. No Image - Remove any picture to show a basic red banner as the Hero.

Your image will be automatically resized and cropped, depending on the option you choose.

Hero options
Supporting Image, Atmospheric Image, No Image


Edit blocks

To edit a block, click the pencil icon in the upper right of a block and click Configure. Make changes to the content in the block and click the Save button.

feature with small image 

Add blocks

To add a new block, click the big +Add Block button at the bottom of the section and choose from the available blocks.

 menu card

Move blocks

There are two ways to move blocks.

Click and drag. Click and hold a block, and drag it to a different position. Release the click to drop the block into place.

‘Move’ interface. Click on the pencil icon and click Move. A menu will slide out from the right side of the page and you can rearrange blocks from there.

 row weights

Remove blocks

To permanently delete a block, click the pencil icon and click Remove block. The menu will slide out and ask you to confirm. Once a block is removed, it cannot be recovered.


When you are finished editing, click the Save button at the top. Saving does not automatically set the current template as the homepage.

If the homepage template you’re working on is not currently your homepage, you can Save and Set as Homepage.

 Save and set as homepage button options

Block types

The iastate22 theme provides several block types for homepage building. Each have a particular design with an intended purpose. To learn more about the different block types, consult the iastate22 Style Guide.

Need help?

The CALS/LAS Web Team is happy to provide training and content strategy to faculty members. Contact us at websupport@iastate.edu.