Faculty Site Showcase
Website Inspiration
Do you need some ideas for what you want to do with your ISU faculty website? Check out some of these examples of sites built by other faculty members.
Simple sites consist of a single-page profile. This format is ideal for showcasing a digital CV in a clean, easy-to-read format. A Simple site is easy to upgrade to Advanced at any time.
Advanced sites have a menu and multiple pages. They're perfect for going further in depth on your research, publications, courses, and more. Check out the examples for ideas on how to make a great Advanced site.
Full Scale
Full-Scale sites are meant for faculty with busy research labs. They include everything Advanced has, plus a directory of personnel in your lab, a nifty list of projects that you are working on, and a homepage builder so that your home page can contain banner images and more. As faculty build excellent full-scale sites we will include showcase examples below.