You can embed a video from YouTube or Vimeo into a page.

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Add a new video
Place your cursor in the editor where you want the video to to, then click the media/video button in the editor toolbar.
Add a new video by pasting the share link from Vimeo or YouTube into the "Add Video via URL" field at the top. Then click the green Add button directly below.
How to get the share link:
On the next screen, you can change the name of the video for your own reference. Then click Save. The video is now part of the video library.
Ensure the video is selected with the checkmark, then click Insert Video to embed the video in the page.
Add an existing video
You may already have videos on your website. To use an existing video again, click the video button in the toolbar. Then click the video in the video library to check the box to select it. Then click the Insert Selected button.
Edit video position
Videos can break text or be aligned left, right, or center, just like images. To edit the alignment options, click the blue Edit Media button in the upper left corner of the video in the text editor.
Choose from one of four options.
Break text
Video will be aligned left. Text will not wrap around the video.
Video will be aligned left. Text will wrap around the right side of the video.
Video will be centered on the page. Text will not wrap around the video.
Video will be aligned right. Text will wrap around the left side of the video.

Add a caption
Videos can have a caption just like images. To add a caption, select the video, then click the caption button. A space for the caption will appear on the video in the text editor. Place your cursor in it and begin typing in the grey box to make your caption.
Remove video
To remove a video, either select the video and hit backspace (Windows) or delete (Mac) or place your cursor in the text editor just after the video and use the backspace (Windows) or delete (Mac) on your keyboard to remove it. If you a remove a video, it will still be available in your media library.