
Available on
CKEditor 5
Faculty Sites

The link button in the toolbar

Create a new link

Highlight the text that should be the link. Then click the link button in the toolbar. Add the url or path to the link properties box. Click the green checkmark to apply the link.

Screenshot of adding a new link

External links

Use the full url for links to other websites.


Internal links

You may use a relative path for pages on the same website/domain.

Example: /tutorial/tables

Editing a link

To edit the URL of an existing link, place your cursor on the link to open the link properties box. Click the pencil to access the URL.

The link properties box

To edit the text of an existing link, highlight it, then type what you want. Do not hit backspace/delete unless you want to remove the link entirely.

Highlighting the link text to edit

Remove a link

To unlink text, place your cursor in the link to open the link properties box, then click the unlink button.

The unlink button

To remove a link entirely, highlight the text and use the backspace/delete key.

Automatic links

Full URLS and email addresses typed directly into the body will automatically become clickable links upon publish.