Link Cards offer the opportunity to create visually appealing links in a variety of styles such as linked images and buttons. This tutorial will cover how to add link cards.
You can make these three types of Link Cards.

Add a Link Card
Faculty Homepage Builder
To add any type of block, click the blue Add Block button in the Homepage Builder.
Edit a Link Card
Faculty Homepage Builder and Sites+ Homepage Editor
There are several fields in the configure pop-up for the Link Card.
Title. A title is required, but you may uncheck Display title to hide it.
Image. Make an image link by adding an image. We recommend images no larger than 600 x 600 pixels. Be sure to fill out the alternate text to succinctly describe the image to screenreaders. If the image will be stand-alone, use alternate text to type the link's destination.
Image size. You may upload any size image you wish, but an easy way to make Link Card images consistent is to use the Image Size options. Use the dropdown to select Square or Wide, and your image will be automatically resized. This is particularly helpful when making a row of Link Cards.
Button text. If you want to display a text button on your Link Card add button text.
Link. A Link Card requires a link.
Icon. There are several icons (small pictures) to choose from. The icon will appear to the left of the button text.
Style. This refers to the color of the Link Card button. See the style examples below for the full selection.
Text size. Choose a size for the button text - small, medium, or large. Most Link Cards work just fine with the default, medium.
Match width to card content. This is helpful if you don't want your Link Card to get very wide.
Be sure to click Save or Add Block
Style Examples
There are a variety of colors and image overlays to choose from.