Blog (Classic)

Available on
Faculty Sites

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Faculty sites: Blog are available on Full-Scale faculty sites. If you would like Blog, upgrade your faculty site.

This tutorial will cover how to add blog posts, edit blog posts, and how to add an introduction to your blog list.

The blog post list, with an image on the left, and title, date, author and summary on the right.

Blog posts will appear in the order they are posted, with the most recent blog posts at the top.

Create a blog post

By default the blog lives under the 'Blog' link in the main menu. You can also access blog posts under Site Settings.

  • Title: A title is required.
  • Content author: You may connect a blog post with an existing people profile.
  • Body: Create the main content of the blog post as you would a normal page.
  • Summary: By default the first few sentences of the blog post will be used as a preview when the blog post is displayed in the blog. Use summary to define your own short description if you wish.
  • Thumbnail Image: This small image will appear when your blog post is displayed in the blog. Use the alternate text to briefly describe the image for screenreader users.
  • Publishing options: You can publish or unpublish a blog post, and modify the publication date.

Editing and deleting blog posts

There are two ways to edit existing blog posts.

  1. Find the article in the Blog page and click the edit button to the right of the blog post.
  2. Go to Site Settings, then Manage Blog.
Manage blog posts screen.
1. Add a blog post.
2. Click a title to view the blog post.
3. Edit the blog post.
4. Click the dropdown arrow to delete a blog post.

Blog Introduction

Content editors who are logged in can edit the Blog Introduction by click the big blue add an introduction link at the top of the blog.

The add into button at the top of the blog. It's a big blue button.

This is an example of a Blog Introduction. You can add text and images like a normal page.

There is a block of text and image at the top of the blog.

To edit the introduction, click the blue edit button in the upper right. To remove the introduction, edit and then remove all content from the intro.

The blue edit button is in the upper right of the intro.