
Available on
Faculty Sites

Faculty sites: Projects are available on Full-Scale faculty sites. If you would like Projects, upgrade your faculty site.

Projects offer the opportunity to share your research or academic ventures separate from other pages. Each project has its own project page, and all projects are automatically displayed in a list under the 'Projects' link in the main menu.

example of projects

Projects will appear in alphabetical order, but can be reordered. See how to reorder below.

Create a Project

By default Projects live under the 'Projects' link in the main menu. Click the 'Add Project' button at the top. Begin filling out the fields.

  • Title: A title is required.
  • Alternate URL: If the project exists as a page on a different website, you can use the Alternate URL to link there instead of duplicating the content on your website. With an alternate URL in place, clicking the title of this project will take visitors to the external project website.
  • Body: Create the main content of your project as you would a normal page.
  • Summary: By default the first few sentences of the body will be used when the Project is displayed in the project list. Use summary to define your own short description if you wish.
  • Thumbnail Image: This small image will appear when your project is displayed in the project list. Use the alternate text to briefly describe the image for screenreader users.

Editing and deleting projects

There are two ways to edit existing projects.

  1. Find the article in the Projects page and click the edit button to the right of the project.
  2. Go to Site Settings, then Manage Projects.
red boxes around instructions
1. Add a project.
2. Click a title to view the project.
3. Edit the project.
4. Click the dropdown arrow to delete a project.

Reordering Projects

By default, Projects appear in alphabetical order on the Projects page. However, you can put them in any order you like.

  1. Go to Site Settings then Manage Projects.
  2. Drag and drop Projects to reorder them.
  3. Save.

To revert Projects to alphabetical order, click 'Show row weights' in the upper right of Manage Projects and set all projects back to 0.

Project Introduction

Content editors who are logged in can edit the Projects Introduction by click the big blue add an introduction link at the top of the page.

add an introduction with a red box around it

This is an example of a Project Introduction. You can add text and images like a normal page.

example of projects

To edit the introduction, click the blue edit button in the upper right. To remove the introduction, edit and then remove all content from the intro.

edit in red box on projects


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